Trapper Creek and Farts

Well, around 3pm the weather looked like it was maybe improving a bit, plus my tent was just smelling like farts really bad, so I decided to pack up an move on. The sun came out for a minute, but just before I made it to the ford of the Maligne it went away again for good. The trail got really brushy right before and for a while after the ford, it was pretty awful. But somehow my feet were fine, it was hands that were hating life. Regardless, I made it to Trapper Creek campground for 11km on the day. It is still raining hard. I have 6km to the parking lot for the Skyline Trail. If the weather tomorrow is good, well then all is well I hike the world famous Skyline Trail. If bad, I'm done. I'll try and bum a ride in to Jasper, buy water proof pants and long John's and wait for the weather to improve. No doubt it is snowing on the Skyline Trail right now, no point risking my life *and* missing the scenery. If I can't bum a ride there a several alternates into Jasper or down to the Icefields Highway, but I don't know which ones are most direct. I'll look into that now before bed.

Oh, and my eye is fine. All is well!


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