Not Lake Maligne

Oh my God. You remember that scene from the Abyss where Ed Harris is doing CPR on the woman and it's not working and eventually he's friggin beating her chest and he screams "BREATH, YOU BITCH!" That's how I feel about my toes right now. It's 3:30 and I'm in my tent already, which is only the second time I can think of that I have pulled up short because of weather, but it went from uncomfortable-miserable to get your ass in gear if you want to make it out of this-miserable really fast. Hail during the "most uncomfortable section of the GDT" because of overgrown brush became a full body icy car wash with nowhere to bail. Except the decomissioned campsite luckily only the longest 1.1km of my life away. Thank goodness for a dry set of sleeping clothes and socks. I think some feeling (other than pain) is returning to my feet now. It is of course better weather now, but I'm not going anywhere till the sun straight up knocks on my tent window and asks me to move because I'm double parked.


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