Field, BC

I'm camped in a van down by the river, figuratively, outside Field, BC. There is a nice hostel (full) and expensive guesthouses, and a post office, but it closed at 1:30 today. So tomorrow I will eat as much as I can at the cafe, then buy as much as I can from the gas station, and get out of town. Maybe I'll call or leave a note and see if my box can be forwarded.

First half of today finishing the Rockwall was great. Wolverine Pass made me think of Red Dawn. Goodsir Pass was pretty too. The rest was just an old road, then a bit of scary highway shoulder to get to Field and another trailhead. 

Not looking forward to this next section. It's very brushy, so I'll get wet like a carwash, because it is about to *dump* some rain, methinks. Maybe I'll see if there's a cool alternate, even if it involves disconnected sections.


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