
Finished Banff this morning: Egypt Lake, Ball Pass, and Hawk Creek down to the highway. Then it was a huge climb up to Flow Lake and Kootenay's Rockwall. My expectations were way out of fline with reality. I expected to be hiking along a level trail blasted into a cliff face, like Glacier's Garden Wall or Highline or whatever. There is indeed a steep rock face here, but mostly I would describe the hike as three huge forested and overgrown climbs. Flow Lake is gorgeous, and the last descent paralleled the wall and also a terminal moraine. So there used to be huge glaciers on this wall? There are still bits of them (Tumbling Glacier), and they're pretty cool.

Did a solid 48km today, in to camp before 10. I have 50 km to get to Field, the last 10km of which is garbage highway or train tracks. Still, there's no way I'll make it before the post office closes at 1:30. If there's even just a gas station I'll be fine to resupply and keep moving...


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