Marvel, Wonder, Og, Magog

Big day in the rain today. Pulled out all the stops (in the sense that I didn't stop to rest a single time--only to pee or once to make cold instant mashed potatoes) because it was raining all day. If I'd stopped to rest I would have gotten too cold. So I just put all my food bars in outer pack pockets, shoved the rest of my gear in the trash bag inside my pack, and walked. I saw the sun for about ten minutes at 8pm but it's raining again now. Apparently Marvel Lake and Wonder Pass are really pretty but I could barely tell. Also Assiniboine Mountain is tall and cool looking? And there's lakes name Og and Magog. Aren't the apocalyptic biblical ones Gog and Magog? I'll have to check all the views out online someday. I ended up with about 60km for the day and actually enjoyed myself quite a bit. I thought of the wittiest comebacks to years old arguments about zoning. 

Guess you had to be there.

I'm at Porcupine Campsite in Assiniboine Provincial Park and there are two huge moose antlers lying around the site. C'mon Canadians, you're too nice! It's apparently illegal to gather rocks or antlers or stuff in the parks and y'all just obey the rules? And every single dog I've seen has been on leash, and everyone who's dog even thought about maybe perhaps kind of sniffing in my direction was profusely apologetic. You're making me feel bad--I'd love to take those antlers with me to Banff tomorrow and eventually get them to George, who would howl with delight, but the look of disappointment on the Canadian Park Ranger's, or postal worker's, or ski lift operator's face as I carried them out would be too much. I'll leave them there.

That leads me to why I didn't bring George. He's allowed in most Canadian National Parks, except one part of Jasper. So I'm sad I didn't bring him, especially since he's  not  allowed  in most US National Parks so this was sort of my chance. But he doesn't like scrambling on scree, or deep water crossings, and there has been a lot of that. And on a rainy day like today, he'd be freezing, and I'd let him come in my tiny tent and we'd both be freezing; it wouldn't be good. Also, I initially thought I was going to hike in Glacier NP in the US where he isn't allowed, and anyway the logistics would have been a nightmare--I would have had to drive him to Montana or Canada, and then sell or leave my truck there, then get him home from Edmonton. (Because I'm going to Alaska from Edmonton, remember?) No thanks. See you in September, buddy!


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