Spider Creek

Jackpine High Route! The route is amazing, the beta is terrible. Woefully inadequate to be part of a recognized alternate on an official trail. The guidebook description is 22 lines for 49km.  Which side of this lake should you go on? What compass bearing should I take? What elevation should I traverse at to avoid the cliffs? You shouldn't just throw up a half-ass GPX route that literally has you walking off a cliff and assume people can figure these things out. Fine, there's a warning that this is the hardest section, but really, if you're going to send people out a route you made up, you need to provide more detail. (Feel free to do a badass route, share no info, and have no one else do it. That's totally an option.) 

Venting done. Need to conserve battery. And energy! Maybe halfway through route, much slower than regular trail and I have no time to spare!


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