
Hiker friends, how do you hook your gaiters to your shoes? I use Dirty Girl gaiters, which have obvious Velcro tabs on the back, but come on, on a long hike you can't buy Velcro hooks and super glue for every new pair of shoes. (Don't tell me that a little Velcro sticker patch sticks to dirty shoes for longer than a day; you're lying.) So, safety pins? Annoying to hook and unhook every time you want to take your shoes off. Or is there a brand of gaiters that doesn't require Velcro? Maybe something by Salomon--I feel like I've seen something. (Also, non-runners, big bulky knee-high gaiters are not what I'm talking about, or even half high ones made of canvas. Minimalist stretchy ones that don't need a strap under your foot or go home.


  1. Altras! They have a Velcro tab on the back. I really don't wear gaiters a ton, though.


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