Kenai Lake

Did I mention there was a fun bluegrass band in town and that Hope is really cute? I camped at the bar campground which is right on the water, Turnagain Arm. In the AM I took my time getting a breakfast burrito, reading more of East of Eden, and addressing some postcards. Some young local hikers I met gave me a ride to the Post office and I picked up my raft and some food. Luckily I'd actually sent myself a decent amount of food, so I didn't have to hitch to a grocery store. Instead I hitched to whichever of Cooper Landing or Primrose, and thus whichever end of Kenai Lake I could get a ride to. Primrose was the winner. I wanted to paddle some of Kenai Lake first since it's flat water, and I figured I could get a day or two in to test out my new drysuit, which I just picked up at REI in Anchorage the other day. Unfortunately the wind was against me all day, but other than that everything worked out great. I probably didn't start paddling until 2:00, but that's OK. It took me a bit to figure out what clothes to wear under the drysuit (pants and rain pants, keeping tights totally dry for sleeping, plus regular warm layers on top: long johns, fleece, and button up shirt. I sent my windbreaker home--really wanted to cut some ounces now that I have the drysuit). Thanks to the guy at REI I know to 'burp' the suit, which totally works. I got a little nauseous at first, as am I prone to on rocky flat water, but things calmed down, and though I was moving slower than I'd like, I hit the second of only two obvious good camp spots around 8:00. Set up camp and gave my drysuit a swim test, and it passed. Marvelous! Nothing got wet that isn't supposed to. (My hands are outside the suit.)

Tomorrow should be a lot more lake paddling. Part of the lake may be restricted, but I'm not sure. If so, there's a road I can pull out on, I think. The one campsite on the other side of the lake I think has a large group retreat going on, but I should be past there and hopefully close to Cooper Landing anyway. 


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