
Good day. The river was foggy and cold when I woke, but I couldn't fall asleep again, so I packed up and paddled off. The canyon was fun to run again, but not quite as exhilarating as the first time. Crossing Skilak lake was mostly drudgery. I picked the shortest line for safety's sake, but when the lake stayed chill, if not glassy in the middle, I adjusted and got to shore right where the Cottonwood Creek trail goes up. My pack is stupid heavy, so the climb wasn't that fun, but above treeline the view of the lake was stupendous. Glad to be hiking again, in  wilderness. Then I contoured around some lakes, sometimes on game trails, sometimes bushwhacking, to try to get to Benjamin Creek, where I might find game trails to help cross the Killey River valley. We'll see. Could be a lot of bushwhacking, and down in the valley it would be awful. My camp is exposed but I have a great view of the valley below. 


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