West Fork Little Delta

The glacier thing ended fine. Just a bit more and we were very close to the source and were able to cross the flow no problem. It took a long time to bushwhack back down the glacier and up to a bench though. We're all slow with heavy packs. Hiked up to Buchanan Pass and down to the West Fork Little Delta. Saw a complete caribou skull, and picked up a small moose antler that is light enough I can carry home to George. (Giant moose antlers to heavy to pack out are up and down most brushy drainages.)

Best of all, it didn't rain today! Well, barely, just a couple sprinkles. Mostly it was cloudy but we actually dried out gear in the half sun for a few minutes in the morning. Nice to be able to sleep in my clothes and not have to do a dreadful change into wet clothes tomorrow morning. 


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