Alaska, Man

Shit, shit, shit. Shit.
The Chistochina River. All it takes is one bad ford. It rained all yesterday, and much of the night. So the water hadn't receeded. We were already freezing after a miserable night, so I said that if I'd been alone I would have just stayed in my tent all day. But together we thought it was worth a shot. In John's eddy I was ok, I think, but Daisy took a bad step, I lost John's eddy, and Daisy and I went down. I went back to the mining camp we'd just crossed for help, because John and Daisy got across, but I swam back. We lost some gear: one boat, one large tarp, and four trekking poles. Maybe if we stay high on glaciers we can make it out to Richardson Monument on foot? There's an airstrip here, that's always an option.

Glad to be alive and warm. Arizona trail sounds nice right around now. 


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