
Yesterday went up the Dry Too to Gillette Pass in the rain. So cold. Toes. Thank God for neoprene socks. They made a big difference. Down the pass, on a road! There's a surprising amount of road here, though every creek worth a damn washes them out for a while. Mining and hunting, I guess. Instead of going down (up?) Dry Canyon Creek we went over some pass, but that required crossing the glacier that feeds the Slana which was too big. So we camped.

In the morning it wasn't no thang! Glad it didn't rain all night. Cross the glacial flow, then cross several more glacial flows, one glacier itself more for fun than out of necessity--it was mostly rock but some super hard ice, one tiny tiny crevasse, over Chisna Pass on a road, through a mine, and down to the Chistochina River. Too high to cross tonight, and it's been raining all day and we're all cold so we're camping early (still 18 miles for the day) and will cross or float tomorrow.

Wonderful views when the clouds aren't socking us in. Cold and rainy. So many fords. Alaska Bumble Club is doing well. 


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