ABC is 2/3 west of the Delta River

Stressful day for Alaska Bumble Club (ABC).

I spent Saturday at Black Rapids Lodge rafting across the Delta River and back with three Alaskans who did the same hike we had planned a few weeks ago. The river was big and fast, but the worst parts were easily avoided (at least, I avoided  them and I have limited boating experience, mostly having owned a sea kayak for a few months in the Bay Area. Two of the Alaskans managed to not avoid the big holes and instead hit them dead on. Whatever.) B&C (J&D) returned from Fairbanks with cheap rafts. These rafts have been used by friends on chill crossings of the Colorado River, so we thought they might have a chance against the Delta. We walked to where I thought one of the Alaskans (Steve, the one who owns a packraft and avoided the holes) had told me the easiest crossing of the Delta River was. Turns out it wasn't the right place, but it didn't really matter, the wind in the river valley was freaking nuts.

Daisy and I checked out the river and decide it wasn't doable in pool toys. We then walked around and tried to find someone with a raft who would help ferry us. I found a hunter who was just coming back from six days and totally spent (good for him for rafting instead of trying it in a loaded canoe like a lot of hunters apparently contemplate--including the open-carrying one who asked me about doing it yesterday). Daisy hitched to Delta Junction and contacted Steve, who rescued out trip.

It was a long, windy walk to the put in, and I was scared, but I also wanted to go first, since it's my boat. Steve said yes, the wind was bad, but it just makes the water look bad, and it's not actually moving faster. Once I got in the water, I realized this was true. There weren't big rapids, it just took a bit to paddle across. The hard part was Steve going back across to bring the next person. I hoped that John would be able to make it in the pool toy and Daisy in my Alpacka, but Steve talked them out of it, and it was too dark to make three trips, so A & B are across the Delta (and the McGinnis, which wasn't chump change) and C will come tomorrow morning.

It is insanely, absurdly, stupidly windy. The sheltered spot I found for camping is kind of miraculous.

Since we only have one raft, we will likely do Cody Creek to Healy Creak instead of our original route. Whatever. As long as we get moving. The terrible weather is clearly rolling in on this wind; I expect no sunshine for at least four days. 


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