Resurrection River

Jeebus, Alaska is trying to kill me.

We got to Denali, me via the Yanert, and then Revine Creek ATV trail after the Yanert narrowed up and turned into a wave train. It was fun but a little daunting by myself with no drysuit on a cold day, so I took the safe and boring and kinda sloggy way out. Daisy and John soon met me in Healy where we spent the night recooperating. We went into Denali the next day, and started talking to rangers about permits, but we noticed that the 10-day forecast for Kenai, Hope, Homer, and Anchorage all show solid sunshine, while Denali showed more of the same rain. So I watched the touristy sled dog show and we bailed on the Alaska Range traverse. We weren't going to complete the whole route anyway, so why suffer when we can see equally cool stuff nearby? Maybe I'll come back later in life and actually get to see Denali instead of being near it while it's covered in clouds.

Hitching to Anchorage was easy. John found a contact to get us out of Anchorage after some errands, and hitching to Seward was easy. Then we started hiking the easiest trail in Alaska, Resurrection Pass, from Seward to Hope. It was easy! There were bridges! It was kind of boring, to be honest. Then all the sudden the trail disappeared and the entire valley floor where the trail would have been (and you can still identify from cut logs) was instead knee to waste deep in slow, icy, murky, glacially cold water. We're back in Alaska. Slogged through it for a while until it got dark. Camped on a slope in dense prickers because there's nowhere else. If I type "at least it's not raining" I'm pretty sure it would rain tonight, so I won't. 


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