Sep 30: Kanab

Walked 6 or 9 miles to highway 89 and hitched into Kanab. The spot where we were hitching was rough since people were going 80 miles an hour, but a woman turned around and came back for us.

Took care of our post office, gear, and food resupplies, and we could have been ready to hitch back to the trail by noon. But we stayed the night, so I wrote postcards at the library, then managed to thread the needle by finding a restaurant that has outdoor seating, serves beer, requires mask, and has vegan options (Wild Thyme). The bakery was also excellent.

Kanab is a decent resupply town but it is less pleasant to walk around than Moab, as there are basically no crosswalks. Just run (hobble with a pack full of 7 days of food) across four lanes whenever. I found an Ed Abbey paperback at the thrift shop, so I'm all set. 


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