Oct 3: Edge of a grand canyon

Did a good large day today, around 28 miles. We were spoiled by AZT water caches again, though they weren't exactly where we hoped they'd be (c'mon guys, get it together!) The aspen were beautiful all day. The plateau opened up a lot so we walked through very nice meadows much of the day. The AZT was very easy to follow. Muzzle loader season has started, so in addition to literally just having heard a shot, we saw hunters all day long, including one posted up right next to a pond that was supposed to be one of our water sources. We figured we'd opt for a cache instead. We reached the East Rim, which is supposed to have good views, but they were totally smoked out today. We finally split from the AZT at the end of the day, and started a short road stretch that takes us to Nankoweap trailhead, where we'll begin the descent into the canyon in earnest tomorrow. 

Podcasts: 1865 (I can only take so much, it makes me sad); Sam Harris (Interesting, but I'd like to hear him interview someone from the (far?) left who disagrees with him on the political topics); Happiness Lab (I should compare myself to a different set of people).


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