Oct 5: Past Tanner

The river crew started a little later than we usually do, but it was neat to learn about their setup. Then we rode away with them. I think we did two named rapid (Kwagunt and Sixtymile). I would have appreciated a little bit more terror. I was in the biggest boat (18 instead of 16) and I got splashed, but that's it. The water is pretty low (7-9K cfs, I think they said) and these aren't the big rapids but it was still fun. We saw bighorn and a heron, making for more wildlife in an hour than we've seen so far hiking combined. They dropped us at the Little Colorado confluence, we forded the Little, which was nice a bright blue from minerals, and began the hot, hot climb on the Beamer Trail. 

Did I mention it was hot?

The clif section finally ended and we had a long section of river access. I doused myself at least three times. Finally made it to Tanner beach (I mistakenly took a high-water route for the last bit--the route right along the water goes, even though it looks like it might not.) Then I doused myself again.

We climbed away from the river a bit, passed a ruin, and camped on a saddle with amazing views in both directions.

Did I mention it's hot?


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