Oct 2: Kaibab Plateau but further south

All Kaibab all day. Pretty monotonous scenery, though it did slowly change from mostly juniper to mostly lodgepole and (I think) ponderosa, with some aspen that are changing colors. It's an interesting change from the canyons, and there has been some fire in recent years, so it wasn't truly monotonous. We were concerned about water, so our packs were pretty heavy, but there were multiple caches at road crossings later in the day, and a good guzzler, so we actually got very well hydrated. I expect the first half of tomorrow to be similar, but eventually we'll leave the AZT and won't be coddled anymore. 

(Really the AZT is pretty well maintained and signed, despite burns, so the walking was easy.) We got 27 miles for the day. Nano and I are pretty good partners. He can be much faster than me on certain terrain (e.g. sand) but doesn't enjoy suffering as much as I do. So some evenings (Hackberry sand day) he's way ahead and stops about where I'll get to by sunset, and other evenings (tonight) we're hiking together and he's done but I'd rather not stop before dark (I'm not suffering yet. I could be not-suffering at home, so what am I even doing here?) It mostly comes out in the wash.

Grand Canyon tomorrow!

Oh, and we had cell service for a minute, so a second item of news made it through my blackout today, in case you were curious. 


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