Silver Pass

Not the best night sleep last night, NeoAir XLite just isn't wide enough for this tossing and turning side sleeper. However, had a nice morning. Got up and walked without breakfast until the sun was actually shining on us and we were near water. That happened to be in a gorgeous basin, so it worked out. One of the peaks looking over us looked like a wave in a rip curl, and Margo behaved herself while I cooked food, so worked out well. 

We went over McGee Pass, and when we were out of the wind, I counted up the mileage and looked for another way over the Silver Divide so that I wouldn't have to use the JMT for so long, but all the passes (Shout of Relief, Bighorn, Warrior Ridge) mention talus, which I'm not sure Margo could handle. So the PCT it is. Also decided against a few extra miles of a simple loo down Cascade Valley on Fish Creek Trail and Minnow Creek Trail. Actual fatigue wasn't setting in yet, but decision fatigue was.

Took the PCT/JMT south over Silver Pass, and through the area I did trail work on in 2008. Still looks good to me!

Camper at the junction to Mott Lake. Might check it out in the morning. Did 19 miles today. Should be less than that to get to Pioneer Basin tomorrow, and less than that to get out over Hopkins Pass and back down McGee from there on Monday. 

Have to drive most of the way to Yucca Monday night in order to return the car on time Tuesday, so probably shouldn't be biting off too much more. I checked Margo's feet a few times today, and they looked good until they didn't. As soon as that happened I took her pack off her and put her socks on, and then a few pounds lighter she was happy as a clam. A tired, happy clam.


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