
Bear Trap Falls

Trying to get to Kolob (Arch) is not worth your time.

Just go running in Hop Valley instead. The pictures don't do it justice.

After GS-E we went to Zion NP. I kind of got the feeling that there aren't that many hikes to do in Zion. Just the Narrows, the Subway, the 48-mile trans-Zion route, and piddly tourist stuff in Zion Canyon itself (Angel's Landing included). I've already done number four on that list, number one was closed, and I forgot about number two, so we did the western-most part of the trans-Zion route. The western-most miles starting from Lee Pass on La Verkin Creek are pure garbage miles, but once you get to Hop Valley it is quite impressive. It reminded me of the Wind River Range, except if all the rocks were red. I also added an out and back up a river that had lots of crossings and I stumbled across a short falls on Bear Trap Creek.


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