
As planned (sort of) I'm on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon right now. But I don't think I'm headed back down. I just wasn't feeling it. If I'm on trail I'd rather be running, and if I have a full backpack, I'd rather be doing x-country stuff, but I don't really know much about the canyon or routes to do much of that. The heat wasn't exactly fun, but it wasn't unbearable, it was just that the book I brought (Harvey Butchart's Grand Canyon Treks) is really lame. (I've only ever met three guidebooks I didn't hate.) I'd be fine with waiting out the heat of the day for hours in the shade of a big rock, but only if I had more to entertain myself than just picking my nose (which I do a lot of in this dry heat.) Did I mention that the Tonto trail (the main East-West route) is super monotonous? Prickly pears, I get it already!

OK, that's enough. I think I'm going to hitch back to my car, drive around to the North Rim, then up to Bryce and maybe run the Under the Rim trail there. We'll see.


  1. The Tonto is far more fun if you are delerious with heat stroke and can convince someone else to carry your pack. I'm just sayin.


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