Good News, Trails

I won't make a pun using the word "dam" instead of "damn," but I am stoked about this story. Four dams are coming down on the Klamath.

UPDATE: This story seems to be part of a series. A few days ago there was bad news about possible future construction.

I heard about a new long distance trail, the Bigfoot trail, from a friend named Squatch (because he's so into bigfoot stuff). I've looked into a route like this before, because there is public land all the way from Clearlake, CA to the Oregon border through Mendocino, Shasta-Trinity, and Klamath National Forests. However, it seemed like a lot of roadwalking and real danger of running into pot farms. Normally I discount that danger (and all other "dangerous" outdoor things like bears) but maybe not in this region.

For years I've been dreaming of an AZ-UT-ID border to border route. I mostly kept it to myself, even though I knew it had been done before. I just didn't know it had been done by Ray Jardine. My route would certainly be different--something along the lines of the Arizona Trail, Hayduke trail to Moab, west and then north up the Wasatch and the Bear River range until you hit the Snake, float the Snake west until Hammett or Glenns Ferry to connect with the Idaho Centennial Trail and up to Canada (then if I had time, east on the Pacific Northwest Trail over to Glacier and north on the Great Divide Trail.) When I will have time for any of this, I have no idea.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Did Ray ever patent the "Ray Way Quick Release Buttefly" clove hitch? I would think a TM would at the very least be on order.

  2. Ooooh, a quick release clove hitch? I'd never thought of that!


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