Proof I don't really know what I'm talking about

Apparently it's not cool enough to just let blogger (aka blogspot) do your blog's feed-burning for you; it's much cooler to sign up with feedburner (confusingly, also owned by google). I am not quite sure why, but I think it has something to do with feedburner letting users subscribe via e-mail (the built-in option only allows the owner to add e-mail subscribers) and giving the owner good stats on the number of subscribers. So after this post I'm going to re-direct my feed to If you don't use a feed-reader (,, etc.) you should start, but until you do you can mostly ignore this post. If you happen to already subscribe to the old built-in Atom feed (I believe there are a whopping 16 of you), you might need to resubscribe to the new feed using the above link.

If you happen to be my tech-savvy friend MRB, I'll happily read any elucidation of the matter you want to post in the comments.


  1. Nicely, it looks like the old feed redirects, as both of your latest post show up in Google Reader.... but I agree it's confusing that Google doesn't just automatically use Feedburner...

    What Feedburner can do is aggregate a bunch of disparate things you do on the internet and put them into one feed for people to subscribe to, even twitter, facebook, flickr, tumblr, delicious, etc... they can all be rolled into one simple feed... it also can give you stats and advertisements.... personally, it's hard enough for me to come up with enough geeky stuff to write on my blog.....

    but yeah old feed:
    automatically redirects to new feed:

    bingo bango.


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