Why am I doing this, again?

Remember how I hiked in Montana, the Canadian Rockies, and Alaska last summer? I micro-blogged with my phone during much of it, and posted photos on Instagram when I had reception, but life happened (I bought a house) and I never really got around to writing much or organizing photos.  Until now!

Here are my favorite photos from Montana and the GDT, and from Alaska. In Montana and Canada I had a separate camera in addition to my phone, so maybe in six months I'll also organize those; right now you just get phone shots. That camera drowned in the Muddywater River on the last day of the GDT, so I only had my phone for Alaska. (Never mind that my phone also broke two days later, it got replaced.) Anyway, John Z is working on a series of videos of our time in Alaska, I'll let you know when that comes out; it will put my stuff to shame. Check out his YouTube channel--he's quite talented.

I made a resolution to run every day this year. I made it through January. It is super annoying, so I don't know if I'll make it, but for now my training is going well. I just did a 22-mile training run yesterday with the first 17 at 7:00/mile pace. I signed up for the Virginia Beach Shamrock Marathon mid-March. Will I be able break 3 hours there? I was thinking 3:05 or 3:10 would have to be the goal, but now I'm thinking maybe?  I've completely quit listening to music or podcasts while running, and George doesn't get to come along as much anymore, and all the sudden I'm moderately fast again. It's not boring if you're constantly thinking about working harder and going faster. It's been fun except for (A) it hurts, and I feel like injury is much more likely than when every run was a long slow trail run, and (B) it's not safe--on a run home from work I witnessed a hit and run in a crosswalk I had myself only just vacated and sat with the victim and her broken leg in the middle of the street until the cops arrived. Thankfully, now that the shutdown has ended my telework application was finally approved so a couple days a week I'll be able to save my commute time and run in Rock Creek instead of dodging cars in Southeast.

I'm also going dry with no added sugar in February. I figured it couldn't hurt to have a couple fewer pounds to carry around on race day. I'm just now remembering that the race isn't until mid-March, so going dry until the race might be a stretch. We'll see.


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