Research Transparency

I've been busy the last two days with the annual meeting of my employer, the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS). Thursday morning we did a training session on registrations, pre-analysis plans, the Open Science Framework, R, RStudio, git, GitHub, writing a project protocol, and the Harvard Dataverse. (Maybe we bit off more than we could chew in that session?) Thursday afternoon we heard from some of the leaders in the research transparency movement: Ted Miguel (Berkeley), John Ioannidis (Stanford), Brian Nosek (UVA/Center for Open Science), Jack Molyneaux (Millennium Challenge Corporation), Victoria Stodden (UIUC). Friday we heard about recent research in transparency, including my presentation of a draft of the Manual of Best Practices in Transparent Social Science Research. People seemed to really like it.

My slides and the draft manual are all on my github account. If you're into research transparency, we're encouraging open participation to make the manual better. (I'll make the wiki/readme better soon to make that more straightforward--it's a LaTeX doc, so you edit the .tex file and read the .pdf. GitHub and Software Carpentry have excellent online help guides if you're unfamiliar with how to use version control.)


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