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As you can see below I sold my Subaru for scrap, because it would have cost too much to get it to pass PA inspection. I may or may not turn that cash into 13% of a used Suzuki V-Strom 650, or maybe just a Burly trailer so I can get George places. For the time being, I'll just be renting on occasion, because it's pretty ridiculous to own a car when you live half a mile from your office.

Apparently the College eliminated a lot of low-fee retirement investment options. This is unfortunate. I may not believe all of what my father taught me as a child anymore, but "put your retirement investments in a low-fee index fund and leave your money there, because you'll lose a bunch of money in taxes and fees if you try and beat the market" is something I am still 100% on board with. Watch this PBS Frontline, or listen to this NPR Fresh Air if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I got my first solo-authored journal submission rejection yesterday. A revise and resubmit would have been great for the job market this fall, but alas. There were some constructive empirical critiques (include a placebo/falsification test by showing that there's zero effect in time t+1, for example) but also claims of a lack of sufficient general interest. That's fine, though obviously subjective. I can't be too down since at 6 weeks from submission to rejection, a pretty excellent turn around time, at least for economics. Onward to another journal!

A Colorado mountain magazine, Mountain Gazette, has a Mountain Dog photo competition. Apparently my facebook friends think below is my best chance. Based on last year's winners, I'd say I don't have a chance unless I go with something over the top artsy or over the top goofy, but whatever.

A million of your facebook friends will share this Louis CK bit about kids using cellphones to distract themselves from the howling void that is the meaninglessness of life. Here's an NYT article about atheists filling that void with church-congregation-like community.
UPDATE: The ex-minister in the above article was fired for overstating her academic credentials. [NYT]


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