January 14-20 Run Log

65.9 miles for the week. Basically 6 every weekday morning, 15 yesterday, and 19 today. Yesterday I followed Crum Creek north further than I ever have before, skirting some water treatment facility land and paralleling the creek on pavement for a mile or two on the aptly named Crum Creek road before getting back in the woods. There are definitely no trails that far along it, but hopefully with better weather someday I'll just keep going in/along the creek until Springton Reservoir and be able to connect without much more than a few miles of pavement to Ridley Creek State Park.

RCSP is where MRB and I ran today (see below). I don't know. It's nice and all, and the weather was gorgeous, but we came close to maxing out the park in one day, and the trails don't make any sort of natural topographic sense, in that they don't follow obvious ridges or streams. If the trails weren't color coded and well blazed, you'd basically have no idea where you were. Wissahickon and Crum are much better in that sense.


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