Climate Justice

This weekend is a chill one--sitting under the gazebo, napping, washing the dog, working on retooling my job market paper for a attempt at publication and a presentation in Monterey next month, reading Cormac McCarthy and articles on climate justice, and writing a letter to the imprisoned subject of said articles.

Here's a recent one of the articles from Outside--
Makes you want to get arrested for a good cause, huh? I also recently watched the documentary If a Tree Falls, about the Environmental Liberation Front arson and so called "eco-terrorism" of the 1990's, which is definitely worth watching. It, and the Tim DeChristopher stuff, brings up interesting issues about the validity of courts weighing political motives in crimes, the definition of terrorism, and whether we should treat terrorism just like any other crime. I agree with one of the law enforcement agencies who was involved in the investigations in the 90's in Oregon, and he puts it quite well that we ought to just classify things as crimes or not-crimes, and only prosecute based on that. I totally agree, but to be consistent, if I feel that way about terrorism, do I have to feel the same way about hate crimes? Damn hobgoblin of little minds.

What I am consistent about is being disappointed by the movie Hanna. The first 15 minutes are cool, climaxing in one great chase scene that is edited with cuts to match a very cool Chemical Brothers soundtrack. After that, you should turn the movie off to avoid boredom and poor child acting.


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