Have I mentioned this yet? OS Lion is a slow and buggy piece of crap. Don't upgrade. Now that I already did, it's kind of a pain to downgrade because I'm stupid and only have Snow Leopard Time Machine backups in storage in the US. I think my options are to (1) manually back up everything I need, wipe the drive, install Snow Leopard, and hope that all the software, photos, and music all function when I'm done (2) wait until next month, manually back up all the photos I've taken in the last several months, restore a Snow Leopard Time Machine back-up from July, and add the new photos back (3) move my job market paper research to my PC, learn to use R instead of Matlab (R's free and I presently only have Matlab on the mac), and basically just put the Mac to rest, or (4) scream, throw the mac against the wall, and go for a run. UPDATE: I went with option #1. I think I lost all my Firefox bookmarks, notes in Stickies, and lots of other app-specific preferences. What f...