"Wouldn't you go to prison to help end this war?"

Just watched The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsburg and the Pentagon Papers. Great movie.

Somebody put caltrops or nails on the PCT near Tehachapi, so watch your step.

Outside magazine article about the Berkeley grads arrested (and still imprisoned) after accidentally hiking into Iran from Kurdish northern Iraq.

Last weekend in the midst of trying to buy a bicycle I went for a run in the Marin Headlands while the Miwok 100K was going on. Yes, it's pretty over there.

Rodeo Beach

Wolf Ridge

Tennessee Beach

I'm running my first ultra of the year tomorrow, a 50K in Redwood Regional Park. Whatever. Maybe it's the fact that it's 1:30 in the afternoon and I'm still in bed, but mostly I'm excited about riding my bike there.


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