No Deal

Bummer. I didn't get into Hardrock this year. Not only did I not get my number picked in the lottery, I didn't even get into the lottery in the first place. I was only going to have a 1 in 7 or so chance of getting in anyway, but with so many entry applications the RD decided to stick very closely to the regular means of qualification (Wasatch, Eagle, Bear, Leadville, Angeles Crest, Massanutten, Western States, Plain, HURT, Bighorn, Grand Teton, Tahoe Rim Trail, Tour de Mont Blanc (163 km version), Cascade Crest Classic, or Grindstone in the last 2 years) and my CCC four years ago, Headlands last year and CDT yo-yo weren't good enough.

I've kind of been keeping Plain in my head as a back-up. What do you think (ZG especially)? Timing is sub-optimal thanks to the job market this fall, but I think it's my kind of race.


  1. Sorry to hear about Hardrock. If Plain is your kind of needs to be run!

  2. Hmm... tough call about Plain. It definitely suits you and you have to try it in your lifetime. Before the job-market?... Depends upon what condition your oevre is in come September. I recall running Firetrails before the JM, but Plain is an entirely different level of commitment. The good news is that it's relatively low cost, so you could always sink your entry fee, then bag at the last minute. I think instead you should try to find some other way and time to sow your oats-- June or July would be best. Get it out of your system, then delay gratification for several months.


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