When the S--- Hits the Fan, Fill the Tub

Got back from a week in the woods with BCM (that'll be my next post). In the meantime, Dan Simmons' The Terror, a historical fiction account of the most disastrous polar exploration ever changed to include something like a killer abominable snowman, was a great entertaining read. Haruki Murakami's What I Talk about when I Talk about Running was a very staid if not robotic and boring account of a novelist that runs marathons. Cormac McCarthy's The Road good. Not great. Style not my thing. Incomplete sentences. Sometimes great, though. For example, when the s--- hits the fan:
What is happening?
I don't know.
Why are you taking a bath?
I'm not.

For some reason, I love that part.

Hurt Locker was good for what it is, an action movie. (500) Days of Summer was cute with a great soundtrack. Rosemary's Baby was not scary but just screwed up, like the director, whose films I try to avoid (except that Chinatown is one of the best ever).

I went with my little brother to an Oakland back-to-school rally. The Cougar Cadet Drumline performed, and they were incredible. I didn't have my camera, but here's an older performance off youtube that doesn't do a live performance justice, although the scraper bike in the first few seconds adds some cool flavor.

The best part was that they did the reject and the jerk while drumming, which I now recognize thanks to the BCM kids.


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    fyi, here's the soundtrack to (500)Days of Summer: http://www.ledokolmp3search.com/album.html?id=104053


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