Now or Never

Orals/my qualifying exam/trying to advance to candidacy is tomorrow. So I thought I'd take this moment to tell you that I finally mapped the Butte Super Cutoff that I took sobo on the CDT in '07. You can go there and download the maps (23 jpegs, 51 megs) if you want.

Also, Rachel Getting Married is perhaps the most annoying movie ever, Super Crunchers by Ian Ayres is a great "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me" motivational book for empirical social scientists although it gets repetitive by the end, Earth the movie isn't different enough from the BBC's Planet Earth to warrant paying to see it, and that's about it.


  1. Most annoying movie EVER? That's saying a lot. I'll try to avoid it.

    Also, good luck on your exams.

  2. Garret,
    Good to see that you have your priorities straight. Good luck.


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