
This one took me a second. Math teachers for equality!

Constitutions are intended to ensure not that the majority rules, but that the majority can not oppress minorities. So on Saturday I went to the Oakland marriage equality protest. It was obvious that the SF protest would be huge whether me and my friends showed up or not, plus I can ride my bike to Oakland city hall in under 15 minutes, so I stayed local.

Best sign: "I assume the gay chickens will remain caged?" (from the Chron photos)

Best speech: "My religion says you don't eat pork, but I'm not trying to stick that in the California Constitution!" --Rebecca Kaplan, just elected to Oakland City Council

Something constructive locals can do for the cause: Call/e-mail the Alameda County supervisors and encourage them to get Alameda County to join the lawsuit to declare Prop 8 a major constitutional revision as opposed to a minor amendment thus requiring it to go through the legislature first (killing it). LA, San Francisco, and Santa Clara counties have already signed on, and Alameda County voted no 62 to 38, so their constituents will support this move. For the Berkeley/West and North Oakland and E-ville folk, your supervisor is Keith, (510)272-6695.
Other Sup's info.


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