Trail Links

This is pretty old news now, but it appears that heat and fires have claimed multiple adventure victims this year: Western States was canceled thanks to California burning to a crisp, and David Horton decided to end his CDT record attempt due to life-threatening desert conditions on the trail in New Mexico.

I just got back from a week in the High Sierra (more on that next post) and there was very little snow left. But I heard from a bunch of PCT hikers that Washington is still completely covered in snow, and according to this NYT article, so is Montana. Not a good year to go southbound.

A great article about trail-legend Billy Goat was in the LA Times a week or so ago. Also, here are some older articles from local papers about my friends Nitro and Wildflower.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Wow - thanks for the links about Billy Goat, Nitro, and Wildflower.



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