Book Review: Hitchens and Rand
I finished reading Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything . Eh. I guess it was OK. I think I liked it more than Dawkins' similar book and less than Harris', but I can't be certain that my opinions aren't dependent on the order in which I read them, there's less convincing to do and I've already heard a bunch of the arguments before. Just like Dawkins went into tangents on his area of expertise (evolution), Hitchens goes off on his (men of letters). I guess details from the lives of Jefferson, Paine, Descartes and others are more interesting to me than the minutia of evolution, but I also thought the writing jumped around more than necessary. I also finished listening to Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead on tape. It was ridiculously simplistic. And by that I mean I think of it what David Cross thinks of Scott Stapp, the lead singer of crap-band Creed. (This opinion is best summarized by paraphrasing the hidden track on C...