Paiute Meadows 50K

I ran the Paiute Meadows 50K in Susanville, CA last weekend. It's been a while since my last race (late February), so I was really looking forward to this. The RD asked for a few people to car camp at the start line the night before, and I happily obliged so I wouldn't have to wake up at 4am for the drive from Reno. To my pleasant surprise, I had a bizarre dream about my buddy taking me golfing and not wanting to pay for it, instead lying about being a sponsored pro, and digging the lie deeper and deeper when they asked him to play in the celebrity pro fundraiser tournament, etc. I woke up from the dream and had to pee, so I got out of the tent, and saw the northern lights. Beautiful The race started at 6:30 the next morning. There's not much to say about it, it's only a 50K. It was not too hard, with only 4,400 feet of climbing. You go back through the start after 14-15 miles (about halfway), which I did in 2:30. The climbing was definitely stacked in the second half, ...