OK, Let's Go!

To answer my own question from last time, I signed for UTMB. And UTMR. Yes, they're only six days apart. It'll be fun. Right now I'm more anxious about Orcas 100, which I'm running this weekend. Should I bring my newer small pack or my larger worn out old pack? Why haven't I bought a replacement larger pack yet? Because nobody makes anything to carry hard-sided bottles anymore and I like hard-sided bottles because they're larger and insulated. Why do I get nervous before races lately, despite having run more than 100 ultras? I don't know. Orcas, Paiute Meadows 50K, Scout Mountain, TRT, UTMB, UTMR I've been training quite consistently, if not especially hard. I've run 475 miles so far this year, a minimum of two every day, and more than 60 every week, except for last week when I was tapering and ran 45 or so. I've had almost no alcohol this month, and I've been fairly good (but not great) about mixing in hamstring exercises. My hamstring felt...