
MRB and I made beer at Matt's house. It was my first time. Here's how we did it. 1. Clean everything real well. 2. Buy grain. 3. Take a close-up of said grain. 4. Prove that since you're using both Belgian and German ingredients, you must really know what you're doing. 5. Get some yeast growing. 6. Melt some sugar. 7. Heat up water. 8. Put your filter ("false bottom") together so you can drain sugary water from the bottom. 9. Poor the hot water in and mix in your grains. 10. Repeatedly say "This smells like Grape Nuts!" Let sit for 90 minutes. 11. Poor out sugary stuff from the bottom via your false bottom while adding hot water on top. 12. Collect all the good stuff from the bottom. Use foil or something so you don't stir it all up when add hot water on top. 13. Boil it outside because people don't like Grape Nuts. 14. Skim the gross stuff off the top. 15. Add too many...