I finished the Western States 100 yesterday. It may have been the best run of my life; it was certainly the most enjoyable 100-mile race. Here are way more details than you could ever want. It was really hot. I knew that going in. I ran as a pacer from mile 62 at Foresthill to the river at mile 78 in 2005, and I fastpacked the course on a hot Labor Day weekend in 2008, and posted this report . The route I took then was different in a few sections, and I saw places at different times of day, but it was vaguely helpful to be a little familiar with the course, and to know how hot it could get. After the fastpacking, I didn't really love the course, and wasn't hugely interested in running the race. The best, and only above treeline, scenery comes in the first 4 miles, and then you're on hard dirt or gravel roads much of the rest of the way. But after the race, I'm a convert. I went up to Tahoe on Thursday to turn in my drop bags and attend an info meeting early Fri...