The One where I Make Excuses for Being Slow

I ran the Pirates Cove 50K yesterday. Here are my splits: 17K 1:56 24K 2:53 30K 3:24 37K 4:22 44K 5:28 50K 5:58 In other words, I was slow. At least I was consistent about it. (?) It was very cold and raining at the start line, and the forecast included a hazardous weather warning and called for hail, so I ended up way over-dressed and had to strip off several layers on the very first climb and shove them into my hydration pack. I realized what a mistake carrying that was, so I managed to drop it at aid stations so as to only carry it 20K total. I ended up running in tights, a long sleeve shirt, and lightly insulated Marmot windshirt most of the race. It never hailed, but it did rain on and off. I don't recall it being torrential for much of the time, but it was certainly wasn't dry for long either. I thought I was going decently fast, and I got into the first aid station after 6.6K with some fast people, but I clearly slowed down after that. I thought I was doing fine because ...