
Showing posts from November, 2010

Cabin Trip: Mt. Rose Summit to Reno

It snowed all day, I was gassed by the time we got to the cabin, and I got gnarly blisters, but the trip was excellent.


I'm up in Truckee for the long weekend. I went snowshoeing with Bink, Krud, and Monkey to Frog Lake. ( Anybody got 7.5 mil to spare? ) Overnighter to an off-the-radar cabin in the Mt. Rose wilderness tomorrow. I'm tired of radio silence, so I'm going to post a few blog entries to, invite only. If you want in, shoot me an e-mail.


My roommate lost one of the bolts connecting the small and large front sprockets on his bike. The pressure of the chain bent the small sprocket, doubling it over completely, and rendering the bike useless. It was an old European three-bolt sprocket set with a cotter pin to attach the crank-arm to the spindle. The bike-shop didn't have the old parts, so my roommate asked me and we took it to the workshop today, found an old crank set with the exact same setup, and swapped it out. I wasn't familiar with the old cotter pin set-up (but I've never used a modern crank-puller either) but it wasn't that hard to figure out. So we saved a bike's life today. Good times. Now back to work.