OK, School Can Start Now

Nothing gets the I-spent-all-summer-indoors-studying ya-ya's out like running 100 miles, so I took the train up to Truckee and fast-packed the Western States 100 course from Squaw Valley to Auburn. Starting at the base of the resort, the trail climbs through the Granite Chief Wilderness, crosses the PCT, crosses canyons, and follows ridges above the American River down through Foresthill and California's gold country, ending in Auburn. I'd only done the ~15 miles from Foresthill to the river crossing before, so it was fun to see some new terrain. I had originally hoped to keep going along the American River 52 more miles to Sacto, but it was crazy hot out, so I decided to take it (relatively) easy and just do the first 100, in two full days with a tiny bit of change on both ends. Before starting I spent a few hours hanging out with my friends Scott (read about his recent speed hike in the SD Union-Tribune ), his wife Michelle, and the superstars of PCT trail angels, Je...